Rabu, 30 November 2016

9 Tips to Lose Weight for Your Super

9 Tips to Lose Weight for Your Super
Yes, life today is extremely fast. Every day, nearly everyone is racing against time so that there is not enough time for a diet program that already exists in the mind.
Take a deep breath and do not worry, follow the ideas of weight loss is simple and does not take much time below.

1. Clean your kitchen from foodSemua junk food and sugar-laden beverages, processed foods such as chips and crackers, foods high in trans fats. Get rid of all of it from the kitchen and refrigerator.
"" If all the food and drink was still in the kitchen, when hungry, you will tend to take food or drink unhealthy fattening it, "" said Alissa Rumsey, RD, a nutritionist and spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and diet.

2. Place the healthy food they align mataSetelah all food 'junk' removed, replace with low-calorie low-fat foods are healthy. Place these foods in a place that is easily accessible and visible.
The food that you can select, for example, fruits, salads, yogurt, tuna, and quinoa-low-fat and whole grain cereals.

3. Record the regular schedule AndaBiasanya sport, something routinely done not recorded in the agenda or schedule regulator phone. However, specific to the training schedule, treat preferentially, as scheduled meeting with an important client. Make a note of your exercise schedule in the usual places you note the promises superpenting.
This will give rise to a feeling that exercise is something urgent to do, just like you have to make a presentation in front of clients.

4. Prepare in portions besarYang referred to here is to prepare healthy foods low in calories earlier in the day in large portions that can be used for lunch and dinner. This will greatly save your time.

5. Do not rely on sugar and caffeine "" When we are under stress and squeezed the time, we tend to turn to stimulants such as coffee and sugary drinks to get energy all day, ' "said Rumsey.
Some time after drinking coffee or sugary drinks, you will feel refreshed. But as soon as the arrival of freshness, energy is lost as soon as it also changed with fatigue and increased appetite.

6. Befriend a healthy snack every saatSimpan healthy snacks low in calories and sugar in a bag and drawer work so that you can immediately eat when hungry. The availability of healthy snacks will keep you from having hunger which eventually will lead to excessive appetite.

7. Learn to prepare meals praktisIni is a smart strategy when you get home tonight in a state of fatigue. Rather than buying a fatty fast food, better learn to cook healthy food that is practical as sauteed vegetables, salad, or vegetable and tuna sandwiches.

8. Find a partner latihanPunya friends to relax in the cafe, it's important. So also have a friend to exercise. Friends will keep you excited and will keep you cheerful when bored exercising.

9. Place the exercise equipment at the front door rumahAtau in the car, or on the desk. If the exercise equipment in a place easily visible and accessible, you will not miss practice time lost by reason of your shoes and others.
Their presence at the front of the eye, it also serves as a reminder that exercise is an important integral part in efforts weight loss in a healthy way.

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Kamis, 24 November 2016

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Bagi Anak Sekolah

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Bagi Anak Sekolah

Potong Tinggi Fruktosa Jagung Syrup untuk Menurunkan Berat Badan

Sebagai orang Amerika terus berjuang pertempuran kalah dalam perang melawan lemak perut, informasi yang baru muncul dari Endocrine Society berimplikasi sirup jagung fruktosa tinggi (HFCS) dengan gangguan metabolik yang mengarah ke diabetes dan penyimpanan lemak di sekitar pinggang. HFCS ditemukan di hampir setiap makanan olahan dan minuman yang tersedia di toko kelontong rak karena & rsquo; s murah untuk diproduksi, dan tersedia karena subsidi pemerintah.
Penelitian yang luas mengungkapkan bahwa HFCS dimetabolisme jauh berbeda dari gula biasa oleh tubuh. Meskipun HFCS berisi tentang jumlah kalori yang sama seperti gula, kalori don & rsquo; t mendaftar sebagai yang dikonsumsi oleh otak, menyebabkan Anda makan lebih banyak sebelum Anda merasa kenyang. Selain itu, HFCS dikonsumsi sejak usia dini mempengaruhi sel-sel lemak yang belum matang, memaksa nomor yang lebih tinggi untuk menjadi dewasa sel-sel lemak perut dalam kehidupan dewasa.
HFCS mempromosikan lemak perut dari anak usia dini, masalah dengan implikasi kesehatan yang signifikan mengingat jumlah besar manis, makanan olahan dan minuman ringan yang dikonsumsi oleh anak-anak dan remaja. Penelitian ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya menghilangkan HFCS dari diet kita pada usia dini, yang memungkinkan metabolisme kita untuk melepaskan lemak yang tersimpan dan menurunkan berat badan secara alami. Ikuti langkah-langkah untuk menyiram HFCS dari diet Anda.
Langkah 1: Menghilangkan minuman ringan dan jus buah
Amerika mengkonsumsi hampir 45 pon HFCS setiap tahun, dan salah satu sumber primer minuman manis. minuman ringan dan jus buah mengandung antara 150 dan 200 kalori per porsi, dan kalori don & rsquo; t mendaftar sebagai bagian dari total asupan kalori untuk hari. Ini berarti bahwa kalori dari minuman HFCS manis jauh lebih mungkin untuk disimpan secara langsung sebagai lemak perut, sehingga sangat sulit untuk menurunkan berat badan. air pengganti dan teh yang dapat dipermanis dengan stevia pemanis alami, jika perlu.
Langkah 2: Hindari Makanan Cepat Saji dan Makanan Olahan
makanan cepat saji terkenal untuk memberikan nilai gizi sedikit, dan itu & rsquo; s sarat dengan HFCS di item Anda mungkin tidak menduga. Dalam upaya untuk membuat penawaran mereka lebih menarik bagi selera, pembuat makanan cepat saji memompa sirup jagung fruktosa tinggi menjadi getar, salad dressing, susu cokelat, bumbu, roti hamburger dan bahkan daging tertentu telah disuntik dengan pemanis.
Hampir semua diproses dan makanan olahan yang dicampur dengan jumlah yang tinggi dari pemanis obesitas. Membaca label nutrisi pada semua item makanan olahan dengan mata khusus pada kecap, pancake dan campuran kue, daging makan siang dan hot dog. makanan pengganti dalam bentuk alami mereka yang haven & rsquo; t telah diciptakan di laboratorium manufaktur makanan. Memilih untuk tidak menjadi subjek tes dalam percobaan yang sangat berbahaya ini.
Langkah 3: Pilih 100% Organic Foods
Pilih makanan yang tetap dalam bentuk yang paling alami yang biasanya ditemukan di lorong luar di sebagian besar pasar makanan. Ketika membaca label, mencari & lsquo; 100% organik & rsquo ;, karena ini adalah satu-satunya jaminan Anda tidak HFCS atau kontaminan kimia lainnya telah ditambahkan. Mengisi pada banyak mentah, sayuran berdaun, kacang-kacangan, biji-bijian dan daging yang belum diproses untuk menghindari godaan dari makanan HFCS dicampur. Hati-hati untuk membatasi konsumsi buah, seperti fruktosa adalah gula buah, dan lebih dapat menyebabkan banyak masalah yang sama dengan kembarannya diproses.
fruktosa sirup jagung tinggi adalah aktif secara metabolik, pemanis alami yang telah terbukti untuk mengubah distribusi normal lemak dalam tubuh. Manusia didn & rsquo; t berevolusi untuk memproses kalori dari HFCS, karena itu hanya dalam penyediaan makanan untuk 40 tahun terakhir. Membantu anak-anak dan keluarga Anda mengembangkan pola makan sehat yang bebas dari HFCS dengan membaca semua label makanan dan menghindari cepat dan makanan olahan, minuman manis dan jus buah. Berat badan akan menjadi efek samping menyambut sebagai lemak perut secara alami dilepaskan dan kesehatan dengan cepat dipulihkan.

Senin, 07 November 2016

Not Got Sports, Diet What's Right to Keep

Not Got Sports, Diet What's Right to Keep
QUESTION: I am a 23 year old employee. My job is sedentary and sometimes have to stay up until the evening. My weight is classified as obese, 58 kg with height 150 cm. I do not have time to exercise so do diet alone. Two months ago my diet mayo with subscription catering but could not stand because bland. BB Although I had dropped 5 kg but then continues to rise. My question is if we stop dieting BB dock is certainly rise ya? Whereas my usual diet alone, I often do not even sarapan.Lulu, JakartaJAWAB: Dear Lulu, thank you for my pertanyaannyaJika calculate BMI (body mass index) Lulu approximately 25.78 kg / m2 and obese criteria included grade 1. As for the ideal body weight for Lulu about 50 kg with a range between 42-51 kg. What to do to maintain a BB Lulu not to return to the original figure after successfully dropped 5 kg? Certainly not by avoiding breakfast, it is very important breakfast to energize welcome daily activities and help to increase metabolism. Therefore, the principle of maintaining ideal body weight, by maintaining a balance between food intake and energy expenditure, which can be done in the following ways: • diet eat smaller portions and frequent, try not to skip a meal that has been given to avoid "retaliation" because starving. Eat according to the needs of the body. For Lulu about 1250-1300 kcal divided into 5-6x / day with a sample menu as below ini.- Breakfast skimmed / low fat 100 ml (I choose foods that are easy to prepare and very practical for consumption) - Snack morning apple 100 lunch gram rice 100 grams + 50 grams of chicken sesame sauce + steamed out 50 gram + sauteed vegetables squash and carrots 100 gram fruit pudding afternoon Snack Dinner 100 gram rice cook fish 75 grams + 50 grams + yellow-spiced tempeh fungus 50 grams + sauteed spinach-carrot 100 gram 150 gramMenu papaya fruit is just an example, if Lulu wants to replace with a side dish of vegetables or fruit or other type of fine, the important size is more or less like the example. • PHYSICAL ACTIVITY / SPORTS Sports are often a problem of the young executive who works from morning till night. Though the move will help maintain the balance of calories, increase burning body fat and build muscle mass as well. If possible Do exercise 3-5 times a week for 30-45 minutes with aerobic, such as jogging, biking, treadmill, swimming, etc. If you do not have time to exercise, increase physical activity such as using the stairs instead of the lift, multiply the road rather than sitting, etc. • LIFESTYLE SEHATPara young executives often work until late at night, thereby reducing down time. By working late into the night, making cravings become magnified in the form of coffee drinks, soda or sweet tea and biscuits, pastry cakes. You should not smoke, drink alcohol, etc. I will answer the question Lulu, whether BB will go up if it does not go on a diet again? Of course BB will rise if there is a positive energy balance, which means that the body of Lulu excess energy, which can be derived from food / beverage consumed without Lulu realize that the food / beverages high in calories TSB. Therefore, to retain BB Lulu already achieved simply run the way I described above. Hopefully results expected bleak.
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